Certified Organic Maine Wild Blueberries 


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About our Fields

We manage 7 acres of MOFGA Certified Organic fields located in Gray, Maine and 34 acres in Dresden, Maine. We primarily hand rake our fields and process all of our own fruit on our winnowing line. We designed and fabricated our processing line to ensure efficiency and high quality fresh berries to our customers.

Fresh pack pints 2020

Fresh pack pints 2020

Fresh Pack

Available Mid- July to Mid- August, In every container of blueberries, you may find multiple varieties of low bush berry clones. Some are darker, some are lighter, some are slightly sweeter, and some are slightly more sour. Each berry delicious in its own way. We offer these berries in pints, quarts and in bulk quantities when available.

Fresh Frozen (D-I-Y tip)

Freezing locks in the nutrients of the berries from the time that they are fresh. Our berries are unique, because they still have the natural ‘bloom’ on when you buy them. Bloom is the white powdery appearance you see on berries that have been handled minimally and have not been washed with a chemical sanitizer. The best part is, when you buy a box of our berries, you don’t need to worry about spreading them out and freezing them on a sheet pan! Because they are not wet, they won’t stick, just pop the whole waxed box in the freezer! Trust us, it works!

One customer referred to our berries as a “box of blue pearls” in their freezer. Enjoy these fruits of Maine summer all year long!

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